THIS FILE IS BEST VIEWED IN MONACO 9------------------------------------The following is a list of 205 general Macintosh books compiled in 9/92. This list will be updated to current listings as soon as the information is received from each publisher.A list of Macintosh, and other relevant, programming books can be found in the MacPro forum (page 480).Notes: under F(ormat): P = paperback, C = cloth, M = mass market, S = software T = keyboard template; under NOTE: S = non-discounted title, date formats 0193 = expected release date, 1Q93 = 1st quarter '93, 91 = copyright date“N_” means the book was new (in 9/92)----------------- Abcs = Abacus Software M&T = M & T Publ. AdL = Ad-Lib Publ. NAL = New American Libr./Plume A-T = Ashton-Tate Nolo = Nolo Press AUP = Adventures Unldt. Press NewR = New Riders AW = Addison Wesley NTC = Nat'l Textbook Co. Bant = Bantam NuSc = NuScope Brdy = Brady (PHCP) OP = Oasis Press B&F = Boyd & Frazer ORly = O'Reily Baxt = Baxter Group Osbn = Osbourne (McGH) CCD = CCD Online Systems PC S = PC-SIG Chlt = Chilton PH = Prentice Hall Cmpt = Compute PchP = Peachpit Press Cobb = Cobb Group QS = Quality Software Comt = Comtech Que = Que Corp. CSft = Comp-u-Soft Bowk = R.R. Bowker Delm = Delmar Publ. Runn = Running Press DJI = Dow Jones Irwin Sams = Howard W. Sams Digt = Digital Press SF = Scott, Foresman G&B = Goldstein & Blair StM = St. Martins H&R = Harper & Row S&S = Simon & Schuster Hayd = Hayden (Sams imprint) (see also Brdy & PH) Hypp = Hyperpress Publ. Sybx = Sybex Intl = Intel Tab = TAB Books MacT = Mac Tutor Vent = Ventana Press McGH = McGraw-Hill Wily = John Wiley & Sons MIS = Mgt. Info. Source Webr = Weber Systems Inc. Modl = Modular Info. Systems WizW = WizardWare Msft = MicroSoft Press Wrdw = WordWare Publ. MtB = Microtrend Books-----------------COMPUTER BOOK LIST: updated 9/24/92=================================== T I T L E AUTHOR PUBL PRICE F NOTE------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macintosh\GENERAL, MISC. ========================__10 Minute Guide to the Mac Poland S Sams $ 9.95 PN_9 to 5 Mac/w/disk Schwartz S Hydn $ 29.95 PN_Anybodys Mac Book Cuthbertson T Sybx $ 26.95 P__Apple Macintosh Book/4th ed Lu C Msft $ 24.95 PN_Automatic Mac/w/disk Terry F Brdy $ 39.95 P__Big Book of Amazing Mac Facts Poole L Msft $ 24.95 PN_Big Mac Book/3rd ed Salkind N Que $ 29.95 P-More-
__Build Your Own Macintosh & Save a Bundle Pilgrim A Wndc $ 17.95 P__Complete Mac Handbook/MacWorld Heid J IDG $ 26.95 PN_Cool Mac After Dark/w/disk Rubin R Hydn $ 19.95 PN_DeskTop Marketing with Macintosh Emerick/GasteigeBrdy $ 34.95 P__Dr Macintosh/2nd ed LeVitus B A-W $ 24.95 P__Easy Macintosh Que Development Que $ 19.95 P__Encyclopedia Macintosh Danuloff/McClellSybx $ 27.95 PN_Everything You Want to Know about Mac Hayden Devel GrpHydn $ 29.95 P__First Book of the Mac Rose C/J Sams $ 18.95 P__Getting Organized with MacProjet II Day P VNR $ 25.95 PN_Getting Started with Apple Mac/incl Syst7 Salkind N Msft $ 19.95 PN_Inside the Apple Macintosh/2nd ed Held/Norton Brdy $ 26.95 P__Inside the Macintosh Communictns Toolbox Apple Computer A-W $ 24.95 P__Inside Track to the Mac/Dvoraks/w/disk Dvorak J/M/DavidOsbn $ 39.95 PN_Little Mac Book/2nd ed Williams/Nelson PchP $ 14.95 P__Little Mac Book/3rd ed Que Development Que $ 12.95 P__Little QuicKeys Book/Mac Roth/Sellers PchP $ 18.95 PN_Mac Bible Book Disk Combo/4th ed Naiman/Dunn/MarkPchP $ 46.00 P 1092N_Mac Bible Software Disks/4th ed Mark D PchP $ 25.00 P 1092N_Mac Bible Super Combo/w/Softw & What/4th Naiman/Dunn/MarkPchP $ 58.00 P 1092__Mac Classic Book/Ques Bilco M Que $ 24.95 P__Mac is Not a Typewriter Williams R PchP $ 9.95 P__Mac Shareware 500 Book Disk Set Prevost/Terrell Vent $ 39.95 PN_Macintosh A to Z Danuloff/McClellSybx $ 27.95 P 4Q92N_Macintosh Bible Book/Disk Combo/4th ed Naiman/Dunn/McCaPchP $ 46.00 P 1092N_Macintosh Bible Software Disks/4th ed Naiman/Dunn/McCaPchP $ 25.00 S 1092__Macintosh Bible What Do I Do Now Book/2nd Rubin C PchP $ 15.00 PN_Macintosh Bible/4th ed Naiman/Dunn/McAlPchP $ 32.95 P 1092N_Macintosh Bible/4th ed Naiman/Dunn/McCaPchP $ 32.00 P 1092N_Macintosh Bible/Softw/What Do Now/Combo Naiman/Dunn/McCaPchP $ 56.00 P 1092__Macintosh Companion Aker S A-W $ 22.95 P__Macintosh Handbook/Danny Goodmans Goodman D Bant $ 29.95 P__Macintosh II Repair & Upgrade/w/disk Pina L Brdy $ 39.95 P__Macintosh Power Tools/w/disk Bobker S Bant $ 44.95 PN_Macintosh Reader Clapp D R-H $ 25.00 P 0992N_Macintosh Shareware Book/w/disk David/Langer Brdy $ 34.95 PN_Macs for Dummies Pogue D IDG $ 16.95 P 1092__Macs Made Easy Matthews M Osbn $ 19.95 PN_Maximizing Your Mac Laskin A MIS $ 24.95 P 0992__Official Guide to/Norton Utilities/Mac/PNoNorton/Hicks Bant $ 21.95 PN_PowerBook Power Book/Haydens Rubin RS Hydn $ 24.95 P__Read Me First Book/MacWorld Borrell J IDG $ 22.95 P__Son of Stupid Mac Tricks/w/disk LeVitus B A-W $ 19.95 P__Stupid Mac Tricks/w/disk LeVitus B A-W $ 19.95 P__Tog on Interface Tognazzini B A-W $ 26.95 PN_Totally Rad Mac Programs/w/disk Linzmeyer O Sybx $ 19.95 P 3Q92N_Troublehooting AppleTalk VanderSluis K M&T $ 29.95 P?1292__Up & Running with Mac Classic Cuthbertson T Sybx $ 10.95 P__Upgrade Your Macintosh & Save a Bundle Brant B Wndc $ 21.95 PN_Your Mac Can Do That! Boyce C Hydn $ 19.95 P Macintosh\OPERATING SYSTEMS & UTILITIES =======================================__10 Minute Guide to System 7 McQuillen H Sams $ 9.95 P__Guide to System 7.0/MacWeek Crabb D Z-D $ 24.95 P__Guide to System 7/MacWorld Poole L IDG $ 24.95 P__Inside System 7/w/disk Norton/Shafer Brdy $ 39.95 PN_Introduction to Macintosh System 7 Bryan M Sybx $ 19.95 P__Little System 7 Book Nelson K PchP $ 12.95 PN_Little System 7.1 Book Nelson K PchP $ 12.95 P 1092N_Mac Bible Guide to System 7.1 Rubin C PchP $ 12.00 P 1092__Macintosh Bible Guide to System 7 Rubin C PchP $ 12.00 P__Macintosh Hard Disk Companion Roberts R Sybx $ 26.95 PN_Macintosh Hard Disk Management/w/disk Brant B Wndc $ 29.95 PN_Macintosh System 7 at Your Fingertips Dannenberg N Sybx $ 12.95 PN_Macintosh System 7 Everything You Need to McClelland D Sybx $ 34.95 P__Macintosh System 7/Complete Sourcebk/w/dk Campbell G Wndc $ 32.95 P__Programming for System 7 Little/Swihart A-W $ 26.95 P__System 7 Book Danuloff C Vent $ 22.95 P__System 7 Book Disk Set Danuloff C Vent $ 34.95 P__System 7 Quick Reference Que Development Que $ 9.95 P__System 7 Revealed Meadow A A-W $ 22.95 P__Up & Running with Mac System 7 Danuloff C Sybx $ 10.95 PN_Using Norton Utilities for Mac/ver 2 Benedict B Que $ 24.95 P__Using the Macintosh with System 7 Rann L Que $ 24.95 PN_Xtras for System 7/w/disk Aker S A-W $ 24.95 P Macintosh\WORD PROCESSING =========================__Getting Started w/MS Word/Apple Mac/ver5 Boom M Msft $ 19.95 P__Guide to MS Word 5/MacWorld Heid J IDG $ 22.95 PN_Little Mac Word Book/ver 5.0 Kobler H PchP $ 15.95 PN_MacWrite Pro Book Bryan M Sybx $ 24.95 P 4Q92__MS Word 5 for the Macintosh Made Easy Hoffman P Osbn $ 19.95 P__MS Word for the Mac Step by Step/v5/w/dk Microsoft Corp Msft $ 29.95 P__Resedit Complete/ver 2.1/w/disk Alley/Strange A-W $ 29.95 P__Resedit Reference/ver 2.1/2nd ed Apple Computer IA-W $ 14.95 P__Resedit Reference/ver 2.1/w/disk/2nd ed Apple Computer IA-W $ 29.95 PN_Super DeskTop Documents w/Word 5/Mac/M C Carroll M Brdy $ 26.95 PN_Teach Yourself Word 5.0 for Mac/w/disk Kahn S MIS $ 24.95 P__Using Word 5 for the Mac Pfaffenberger B Que $ 27.95 PN_Using WordPerfect 2.1 for Mac Reiser/Morris Que $ 24.95 PN_Word 5 Companion/Mac ed Cobb/McGuffey/MyMsft $ 27.95 PN_Word 5 for the Mac at Your Fingertips Krassner D Sybx $ 9.95 P__Word 5 for the Mac Quick Reference Que Development Que $ 9.95 PN_Working with Word for Apple Mac/vr 5/3rd Kinata/McComb Msft $ 29.95 P 1092N_Zen & the Art/Resource Editing/3rd/w/disk Schneider D et aPchP $ 24.95 P Macintosh\DESKTOP PUBLISHING ============================__Desktop Publ Sourcebk Fonts &ClipArt/Mac Borman J Prim $ 24.95 PN_Desktop Publishers Survival Kit/w/dsk/Mac Blatner D PchP $ 22.95 PN_Desktop Typography w/QuarkXPress/Mac/2nd Romano Wndc $ 19.95 P__First Book of PageMaker 4 for Mac Rose C Sams $ 16.95 P__Illustrated Hdbk/Desktop Publ &Typset/2nd Kleper Wndc $ 34.95 P Book BBS electronic bulletin board for computer book info: data 215-657-6130N_Macintosh Font Book/2nd ed Fenton E PchP $ 23.95 P__Mastering PageMaker 4 for the Macintosh Harvey/Gearing Sybx $ 26.95 P__Official QuarkXpress 3.1 Handbook/Mac Burns/Venit Bant $ 26.95 PN_Page Design with PageMaker for the Mac Sybx $ 27.95 P 4Q92__PageMaker 4 An Easy Desk Reference/Mac ed Williams R PchP $ 29.95 P__PageMaker 4 By Example/Mac ver Webster T/D M&T $ 24.95 P__PageMaker 4 By Example/Mac ver/w/disk Webster T/D M&T $ 34.95 P__PageMaker 4 for the Macintosh Made Easy Matthews M Osbn $ 19.95 P__PageMaker 4 The Basics/Mac Bove/Rhodes Wily $ 22.95 P__PageMaker 4 Visual QuickStart Guide/Mac Webster & Assoc PchP $ 12.95 PN_PageMaker 4.2/Mac Everythng You Need/Know Sanders W Prim $ 19.95 P 0792__QuarkXPress 3.1 By Example Meehan/Williams M&T $ 26.95 P__QuarkXpress 3.1 Quick Reference Que Development Que $ 9.95 PN_QuarkXPress Book/3.1/2nd ed Blatner/Stimely/PchP $ 27.95 P__Real World PageMaker 4/Mac ed Kvern/Roth Bant $ 26.95 P__SuperPaint 3.0 For Power Users/Mac Alemanni E Wndc $ 18.95 P__Teach Yourself QuarkXpress/ver 3.1 Mac Snyder MIS $ 19.95 P__Up & Running with PageMaker on the Mac Danuloff C Sybx $ 9.95 P__Using Aldus PageMaker 4.0/3rd ed Kramer/Parker/WaBant $ 24.95 P__Using QuarkXPress 3.0 Meehan T M&T $ 24.95 P__Using QuarkXPress 3.0/w/disk Meehan T M&T $ 34.95 P Macintosh\GRAPHICS & SOUND ==========================__Adobe Illustrator 3 Complete/Mac Venit/Burns/SmitA-W $ 24.95 P__Adobe Illustrator 3.0/3rd ed Bove/Davis/RhodeBant $ 24.95 PN_Adobe Illustrator 3.2 Designers Guide Holzgang D Sybx $ 24.95 PN_Audible Macintosh Rubin D Sybx $ 34.95 P__Canned Art Clip Art for the Mac/2nd ed Fenton/MorrissetPchP $ 29.95 P__Canvas 3.0 The Book McClelland D PchP $ 21.95 PN_Clip Art Store/Mac/w/3 disks Nadler J Bant $ 49.95 P 4Q92N_Color Mac Design & Produc Techniq Miller/Zaucha Hydn $ 39.95 PN_Color Publishing on the Mac/w/disk 3.5 Baker K/S R-H $ 45.00 PN_Cool Mac Animation/w/disk Hicks C Hydn $ 19.95 PN_Cool Mac Sounds/w/disk O'Donnell C Hydn $ 19.95 P__Creating Special Effect on Mac/w/disk Holzgang D A-W $ 28.95 PN_Illustrator Illuminated Andres C PchP $ 24.95 PN_Mac Bible Guide to MacDraw Pro McClelland D PchP $ 22.00 P 1192__MacDesigners Handbook Campbell - RunP $ 24.95 C__Macintosh MultiMedia Handbook Bove/Rhodes Que $ 24.95 P__Mastering Aldus Photostyler Ihrig S/E Bant $ 27.95 PN_Music & Sound Bible/MacWorld Yavelow C IDG $ 37.95 P__Official Adobe Photoshop Handbook Biedny/Monroy Bant $ 26.95 PN_Photoshop Wow Book Dayton/Davis PchP $ 24.95 P 1192__Programming QuickDraw Surovell/Hall/OtA-W $ 26.95 PN_QuarkXPress 3.1 Visual QuickStart Gd/Mac Webster & Assoc PchP $ 12.95 P 0892N_QuarkXPress Tips & Tricks/Mac Blatner/Taub PchP $ 21.95 P__Real World FreeHand 3/Mac ed Kvern O PchP $ 27.95 PN_Real World FreeHand 3/Windows ed Kvern O PchP $ 27.95 PN_SuperPaint 3 Everything You Need to Know Rozells G Prim $ 24.95 P__Uisng Macromind Director/Mac Bove/Rhodes Que $ 29.95 P__Using Aldus FreeHand 3.0 Venit/Fraser Bant $ 24.95 PN_Using ClarisWorks Love L A-W $ 22.95 PN_Welcome to Multimedia for the Macintosh MIS Press MIS $ 19.95 P 1192N_Working with Claris CAD DeMaria Wndc $ 19.95 P Macintosh\SPREADSHEETS & ACCOUNTING ===================================__123 for the Macintosh Made Easy Campbell M Osbn $ 19.95 PN_Cool Mac QuickTime/w/disk Sanz S Hydn $ 19.95 PN_Lotus Guide to 123 for Macintosh Conatser K Brdy $ 26.95 PN_Mac Book of Excel 4 Bryan M Sybx $ 27.95 PN_Mastering the World of Quicktime/Mac Borrell J R-H $ 25.00 P 1292N_MS Excel 4 Companion/Mac ver Cobb/Mynhier/StiMsft $ 29.95 P 0892__MS Excel for the Mac Step by Step/vr4/2nd Microsoft Corp Msft $ 29.95 P__Quicken for the Macintosh Adams S Brdy $ 21.95 PN_QuickTime Handbook/Haydens Drucker D Hydn $ 34.95 P__Start Here with 123 for Macintosh Gasteiger D/S Brdy $ 19.95 PN_Using 123 for the Mac Bilbo/VanBuren Que $ 24.95 PN_Using Excel 4 for Macintosh Van Buren C Que $ 24.95 PN_Using Quicken 3 for the Mac Nelson S Que $ 19.95 P Macintosh\DATA BASE & INTEGRATED SOFTWARE =========================================__Complete Book of HyperTalk 2 Shafer D A-W $ 24.95 P__Complete HyperCard 2.0 Handbook/3rd ed Goodman D Bant $ 29.95 P__Cooking with HyperTalk 2.0/w/disk Winkler/Knaster Bant $ 39.95 PN_Cool Mac Stacks/w/disk Drucker D Hydn $ 19.95 PN_FoxPro Mac Handbook Masterson M Wndc $ 26.95 P 0992N_Guide to MS Works 3/MacWorld Sosinsky B IDG $ 22.95 P 0892__HyperCard 2 QuickStart Gold R Que $ 21.95 P__HyperCard Stack Design Guidelines Apple Computer IA-W $ 16.95 P__HyperTalk 2.0 The Book Winkler/Kamins Bant $ 29.95 P__Inside SuperCard Himes/Ragland Msft $ 22.95 PN_Mac Bible Guide to FileMaker Pro 2.0 Rubin C PchP $ 18.00 P 1192__Macintosh Bible Guide to FileMaker Pro Rubin C PchP $ 18.00 PN_MS Works for the Apple Macintosh/3rd ed Rubin C Msft $ 24.95 P 1092__Using Filemaker Pro Sosinsky B Que $ 24.95 PN_Using MS Works 3 Mac Schultz G Que $ 24.95 P Other Systems =============__Amiga DeskTop Video Power Wright Abcs $ 29.95 P__Amiga DOS Inside & Out/revised ed Kerkloh Abcs $ 24.95 P__Amiga DOS Manual/3rd ed Commodore Inc Bant $ 24.95 P__Amiga for Beginners Spanik Abcs $ 16.95 P__Amiga Hardware Reference Manual/3rd ed Commodore Corp A-W $ 28.95 PN_Amiga Intern/w/disk Abcs $ 39.95 P__Amiga ROM Kernel Ref Man Inclds/Autodcs/3DCommodore Corp A-W $ 38.95 P__Amiga ROM Kernel Ref Manual Devices/3rd Commodore Corp A-W $ 28.95 P__Amiga ROM Kernel Ref Manual Libraries/3rd Commodore Corp A-W $ 38.95 P__Amiga User Interface Style Guide Commodore Corp A-W $ 21.95 P__AppleWorks Made Easy/ver 3/3rd ed Matthews C Osbn $ 19.95 P__Desktop Studio Multimedia with the Amiga Johnson D WrdW $ 21.95 P__NeXT Development Tools NeXT Computer A-W $ 26.95 P__NeXT Operating System Software NeXT Computer A-W $ 24.95 P__NeXTstep Reference NeXT Computer A-W $ 44.95 P__Official AmigaDOS 2 Companion/AmigaWorld Ryan B IDG $ 24.95 P__Official AmigaVision Handbook/AmigaWorld Wallace L IDG $ 24.95 P__Sound Music & Signal Proces/NeXT/Concept NeXT Computer A-W $ 19.95 P__Sound Music & Signal Proces/NeXT/ReferenceNeXT Computer A-W $ 39.95 P__Using AppleWorks GS Brown D A-W $ 19.95 P__Using ARexx on the Amiga Zamara/---- Abcs $ 34.95 P